Category: Understanding Thought
The Past and the Present: Breaking Free from Mental Attachments
Our attachment to the past shapes our present experience, often filling it with regret, guilt, or longing. But is it merely the past itself that holds us captive, or is it our relationship to it? Memories, after all, are not the problem; they are simply recordings of what has been.…
Breaking the Chains of Division: The Power of Questioning
Racial discrimination arises from the deep-seated habit of identifying with a particular group—be it race, nationality, or culture. This identification creates division, a sense of “us” and “them.” Where there is division, there is conflict. The mind, seeking psychological security in labels, unknowingly nurtures prejudice. True change begins by seeing…
Can Unity Exist When We See Ourselves as Different?
Is it possible for humanity to come together as one when we are so deeply entrenched in our sense of being different? This question invites us to pause and examine the nature of division and unity, not as abstract ideals, but as realities we live with every day. Can we…
The Illusion of Human Evolution: Are We Truly Becoming Something Better?
The world around us is transforming at an astonishing pace. Transportation has evolved from slow, horse-drawn carriages to electric cars and planes that connect continents in mere hours. Technology too has leaped forward—smartphones now hold the power of what once required an entire room of computers. Yet, while the external…
Is Salvation Found Outside Ourselves?
Have you ever paused to consider why so much of human effort is directed toward seeking salvation—whether through religion, philosophy, or some other system of belief? Almost every tradition seems to suggest that something is inherently flawed in us, something that needs fixing, cleansing, or redeeming. But is this assumption…
Beyond the Self: Dissolving the Boundaries of Separation
I recently came across an article in which the author admired the incredible mechanism of the human body. They expressed deep gratitude for the seamless functioning of the body and offered prayers to God, thanking a higher power for this wondrous creation. It was a heartfelt acknowledgment of life’s marvels,…
The Illusion of Self-Improvement: An Inquiry
Have you ever questioned the endless advice streaming from social media posts and self-help books? From suggestions to “stay positive” to instructions on cultivating kindness, we are persistently nudged toward self-improvement. But what is really happening here? Are these efforts addressing something fundamental within us, or are they perpetuating a…
Does Sharing Pain Truly Alleviate It?
The belief that sharing our pain with others lightens the burden is deeply ingrained in human culture. It is comforting to think that expressing our suffering to someone else can bring us relief. Yet, does it genuinely resolve the pain, or is it merely a temporary escape? This question is…
Can We Truly Understand Ourselves Through Knowledge?
In the physical world, knowledge plays an undeniable role in guiding our actions. A teacher can explain mathematical principles, or a book can teach us how to fix a machine. This process of acquiring knowledge, applying it, and seeing tangible results is straightforward. It works because the physical and material…
The Illusion of Separation
Human beings, through the activity of thought, create a sense of division and separation. Thought, rooted in memory and the ego’s identification with those memories, forms a fragmented perception of the world. In this fragmented view, we see ourselves as separate from others, from nature, and even from our own…